Boosting the Circular Bitcoin Economy: Toffee Partners With Wyre

2 min readSep 29, 2020


We are very excited to announce’s partnership with Wyre today, which will help more people earn bitcoin for their digital goods. Toffee customers can now top up their bitcoin balance with their credit/debit cards. Simultaneously, sellers can accept bitcoin for their digital products without having to deal with processing fees or chargebacks! is a peer-to-peer marketplace where you can buy and sell any digital product imaginable; whether that’s a gift card, eBook, or in-game item. Presently, sellers are able to accept PayPal, Stripe, and Bitcoin for their digital products. Though there are many sellers who accept bitcoin for their goods, there aren’t that many customers who want to, or are able to, pay with bitcoin.

This is where Wyre comes into the picture. Wyre is a “fiat onramp” which enables customers to convert money (like dollars, euros, pounds) into crypto like bitcoin. With today’s partnership, customers on Toffee can top up their bitcoin balance with their credit/debit card. Soon, the Wyre integration will be further integrated in the marketplace, and customers will be able to pay for a purchase directly with their credit/debit card while the seller on the opposite side of the trade receives bitcoin.

As Toffee continues to grow and on-board more sellers into our community, we strive to boost the circular bitcoin economy and provide innovative features for our sellers in many different ways. Today’s partnership with Wyre is a pivotal one, and we’re very excited for what’s yet to come.

This partnership opens up a slew of exciting opportunities. As an example you can think of a digital arts creator living in Angola who has no access to PayPal or Stripe. Naturally, they have far fewer sales compared to their counterparts who do have a PayPal/Stripe account. Today’s Wyre integration allows this creator to accept credit/debit cards for their digital arts while they receive bitcoin, thus boosting their sales and simultaneously growing the circular bitcoin economy.

We are just getting started on our journey to become the #1 marketplace for buying/selling digital products, and are continually improving Toffee based on the community’s welcome feedback. If you have any feedback or ideas, we’re all ears!

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Toffee is a P2P marketplace where you can buy and sell any virtual product imaginable